“This world is but a canvas to our imaginations.” — Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Halloween is right around the corner! If you are doing the last minute scramble, don't fret. As long as you are willing to get creative, a great costume is at your fingertips.

First, consider what you already have. Quite a few of my costumes have been comprised of stuff I found in my apartment.

Example 1: I was a Greek Goddess three years running. (I move a lot: new place/new people...it's like it was a whole new costume.) I found a bed sheet in my room and paired it with a bit of leaf garland that was adorning my apartment.

Rad every time. 
Example 2: Some time ago, I got a hand-me-down green organza skirt. I knew I wanted to wear it in some capacity for Halloween. So I brainstormed. I came up with a few ideas, but I ended up going with Mother Nature. I wore the green floor-length skirt and wrapped myself in some leaf garland (leaf garland sure comes in handy). I topped off my look with green glamour eyes.
Not a flattering pic, but you get the idea.
Second, think about what you can borrow and who you can borrow from. My costume two years ago was made up of clothes I borrowed from someone else. Was it a bit awkward asking a boy if I could wear his pants? Yes. But sooo worth it. Didn't cost me a cent, and it turns out he was more than willing to loan me his clothes.

The result:
What you don't see is our awesome gum-wrapper grills. Can't touch this.
Here is another borrowed costume from years' past:
I know what you are thinking: Best. Costume. Ever.
Borrowing is boss.

Third, take a look at thrift stores. Thrift stores tend to have awesome finds for cheap. Don't be afraid to venture into sections you normally wouldn't. A male friend of mine found a purple blazer in the women's section that perfectly completed his rocker outfit. I also found a great 80s-style dress at a thrift store for the low low price of $8. I might even wear it to one of the Halloween shindigs I attend this year. What an investment.
We. Are. Hot. 
Fourth, make an impact with make-up and accessories. Last year I didn't really dress up, but I had fun make-up-ing. The right make-up can really enhance any look.

Happy Owl-o-ween!
Or sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right accessory. 

Found this lurking in my closet.
Add an eyepatch, and you've got a costume, matey. Honestly, you don't need an elaborate get-up to get your point across. A few key pieces (like a hat and eyepatch), and no one will ask the dreaded question: "What are you supposed to be?" 

If you are still coming up empty, get punny. Clever costumes are memorable. In high school, I dressed as a cereal (serial) killer for the annual Boo Ball. I glued plastic knives to mini boxes of cereal, then attached the boxes to myself. A little corny, but it was definitely unique.

My personal favorite:

The point is to have fun. Don't be too hard on yourself.  If all else fails, I suppose you can go buy a costume. But where's the fun in that?

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